About me!

“J’aime beaucoup ecrire et lire. Et toi?”

Hiya Shah


A literature enthusiast, Bibliophile and Aspiring Novelist, is a Bombay-based writer currently pursuing FYBA from Ramnarian Ruia Autonomous College of Bombay.

She is the Editor-in-chief of the Monthly Magazine of Sachmaas Academy and has conducted several workshops on ‘Old English and Decoding Shakespeare’ with them. She has been the workshop coordinator for the Academy and is currently the Admission-in-charge of Reader’s Cocoon. She also interned with RobinAge, the children’s weekly newspaper

A published writer with her first work of fiction, a short story ‘The Igniting Lamp’ being published in the Anthology ‘Tales of Heart’ by Damick Publication in 2019.

She’s a column writer of the column ‘Behind The Scenes’ for her college magazine ‘Ruiaite Monthly’.

She is an author for the Premium lifestyle magazines, Cafes N Cities, And periodically writes for the magazine.

To glance through a few works of hers, you can hop onto her Instagram page @eclarim.magic.



What’s that word that defines you, who you are as an individual.
Or, well, where would you say, you belong? 🎗

I’d belong, to a crazy bunch of readers, finding solace in words.

Or, in the parade of women seeking basic Human Rights.

Or, in classes of students, battling for the perfect score

Or, a lost writer, squeezed in an arc of that archaic library, which comprises only ancient classics, scribbling words that are the only pieces that keep me together.

Or, rather, all of them, everything at once. In this millennium age, can an Individual, possibly cuddle within a single identity. ❤

As for me, I’d call myself, a woman writer, possessing a tres tres wide range of glasses to look through.

Yes, that’s life, I spent half of my life, engulfed with the ‘Nazariya’ of a single colour. Probably, that’s the very cause, why my ‘nazarein’ didn’t change a little bit.

However, now, your little girl, is no longer, little… She’s officially an adult, and she possesses more lenses that anyone could ever contemplate.

Growing up, I was always shielded in a pink stained glass. I never-ever, threw this one away. I still utilise it, even if, a lot rarer than before. They make me believe, every fairy tale, I’d read as a kid. And, somewhere, the spectacles, yell at me, “Good, hasn’t yet ended.” Even, if deep down I know, it has.

Being a reader, I’ve always believed in unraveling various layers of the characters, in every novel. Peeling the topmost ones away, to read what lies in the interiors, in the very valves of our beloved characters. Their deepest secrets, may often brim us with beliefs of love, kindness and courage or these secrets may even drown us in our very own fears.
That’s perhaps why, my perception lens for novels is the blue one.

Initially, as I sprung as I writer, I admired the world through a white stained glass. I viewed the world, in its purest form, yet it contained every colour reminding me of the spectrum however, it lacked darkness (black). And, as a writer, too much colour and the absence of conflict and darkness wouldn’t really prove to be advantageous for my stories.

So, the amateur writer, in my switched to a very dull black lens and commenced writing poetry, but, my words left a void in myself…it felt as if a very crucial element was missing from the core of my poems.

So, I knew, I had to flung in a change, and utilize the very spirit of both these antagonist colors, black and white. The blend of these two, provided me with an Elixir of Writing, a grey stained glass. I painted this one appropriately, with not much black or much white, I blended it in the exactly perfect range.

The PH scale suited quite well for me as a writer, I, myself, spent hours admiring the grace of my words.
Optimism, you may call the ladyship colour, something I lack. However, I’m obliged to notify you, my shades are soon to be seen grossing in the direction. Being a disciple of a very renowned college of Mumbai, It was a necessity for me, to have these. Hours spent researching under the blankets and cuddled up in the corners of my library, nudged me to realise the significance of these shades.
A wanderer’s soul is brimmed with the purity of the greens. I’d say the green lens truly represents me as a wander because, I’d rather abide by the wanderer’s spirit who adores turfs of grasses and trees and bodies of rivers and seas over any metropolitan urban city. Facilement, I can weave words addressing the nature, that hath made me the soul, I am.
I , spend hours admiring the moon, and quite often the sun as well…and, you may call my spirit addicted to petrichor, because rarely you’ll find me indoors during the Indian monsoons.
That’s all about me… My identity, and I’d call all these colours, the place I belong